Movie Flashback – Beautiful Brigitte Bardot

Here’s a great clip of Brigitte Bardot dancing in the 1956 film “. . . And God Created Women.” Here you get a sense of just how beautiful and magnetic Bardot was, and why she ultimately became to be seen as an iconic beauty.

Here are some great photos of Brigitte taken in 1958.

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TV Flashback: Raquel Welch in wild dance number

Here’s Raquel Welch in her 1970 television special “Raquel!” as she shows off her dance moves.


Kristen Bell dancing in her underwear from House of Lies

Kristen Bell was excellent in Showtime’s “House of Lies” earlier this year, and this scene stood out as one of her shining moments. She’s having a great run in Hollywood so you’ll be seeing much more of her.


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