Heidi Klum sports a sexy thong

Yes, Heidi Klum is still hot!

Love being cheeky in my @heidiklumintimates

A photo posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on

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Heidi Klum in swimsuits

Here’s an incredible video from the SI Swimsuit Collection featuring the beautiful Heidi Klum as the #8 model on their list of the 50 greatest SI swimsuit models of all time. Enjoy!


Heidi Klum is still hot . . .

She looks more like a mom these days, but she’s still very hot.


Heidi Klum’s topless photo shoot

Heidi Klum looks amazing in her Allure photo shoot and she discusses it in the video below which features some of the sexy photos. Allure has been getting some great press lately with sexy photos of numerous stars, including Emmanuelle Chriqui, Colbie Caillat, and Kara DioGuardi.


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